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an interview with Mistine

From touring with Conan Gray, WizTheMC, and Zeph Los Angeles based vocalist, artist, and bassist Mistine is back with her latest single "Temporary Fix" (listen here) where she takes you on a rom-com adventure. You'll be blasting this song in your car driving around this summer, Mistine and I got to talking about how she started getting into music, being a touring member of Conan Gray's band as a bass player, her newest single "Temporary Feeling" and so much more!

Hi Mistine! Thanks so much for answering my questions, how are you? hello!! so nice to meet you! thank you for interviewing me :)

How did you get into music? I started playing guitar in third grade. When I went to see Piglet’s Big Movie, there was a Carly Simon music video at the end that just completely inspired me. I remember leaning over and saying to my mom, “I wanna do that.” and then because she is such an amazing mom, she signed me up for guitar lessons...the rest is history

When did you start writing songs? I didn’t start writing songs until sophomore year of college! Idk what took me so long lol

Has being from Jersey inspired you as a musician at all? Jersey is full of music. I think being surrounded by inspiring musicians, mentors, and just the history of music royalty in that area really kept me going. There was always someone to look up to or a show to go to! I was also very lucky to have encouraging and supportive musicians, family members, and mentors in my life that pushed me to not give up and keep practicing.

You have such a distinct sound, how did you go about finding it? It took a lot of trial and error and me saying random descriptive phrases like “I want it make me feel like I need to go on a run, can you add more sparkles, i need this to make me wanna drive with the windows down, it needs more orange...etc.” and I truly wouldn’t have gotten here and created the sounds in my head without my amazing collaborators: Jamison Baken, Andy Gannon, and Jesse Munsat. I feel so lucky to have a team that I not only love but is SO TALENTED.

You’ve recently released your latest single “Temporary Feeling”, congratulations! What was the main inspiration behind it? Temporary Feeling started with he concept of driving in a jeep, down the shore and experiencing a summer romance....when you know something won’t last forever but you find beauty in the time you have together and make the best of it. enjoying every moment.

Was the creative and writing process for your last single “Everett Park” different from “Temporary Feeling”? Everett Park was much more nostalgic and personal. It was about a real life event that was happening the say that we started writing the song. Temporary Feeling was more just about a yes they were very different! I wrote both songs with the same people and mostly

over Zoom so it felt very safe emotionally and creatively but also very different. Every song is different..and feels very different creatively to write.

What was it like recording “Temporary Feeling”? hahah it was fun! I tracked so so many guitar and vocal parts and sent them off to Jamison.. I remember even doing some takes of me just yelling into the mic that you can hear during the last chorus of Temporary Feeling.. it’s always fun to let out some good screams haha.

You were also a bassist for Conan Gray which is amazing! How did that happen? Did that inspire you as a musician at all? I got really lucky! hahah I was called for an audition the night before. I had work, school, and a gig that day so I almost didn’t go, but I’m glad I did! Being on tour made me only want to be on tour more! It inspired me to work hard on my music to connect with the fans on a more personal level and affirmed my love for playing live shows and traveling around the world to meet fans from all different areas.

I love the way you describe your music, especially how you use the phrase “timeless nostalgia” can you touch on that a little bit more? I am very nostalgic. I place a lot of value on memories, small moments, distinct feelings, friendships, family, people that mean a lot to me even if they are only in my life for short time. I believe that a lot of the small moments in life are the most valuable. I am very interested in how we connect with people and how others live their life. I am constantly enamored by the “x’factor”.. the space in between you and someone else....why we feel a connection to them. I think all of these thoughts feel very timeless to be because when a connection is real, it doesn’t go away...once i truly care about someone, i always will. (timeless nostalgia)

Your music is mostly inspired by personal connections with others which brings a sense of vulnerability into your lyrics, how do you stay true to that when writing lyrics? I have a very hard time lying.. so I think it comes naturally. I want to be as honest with people as possible, even if it hurts. otherwise...what are we even doing. I want brutal honestly so I want to give that to everyone else.

When making music, do you ever listen to other bands/artists during the creative/writing process at all for inspiration? I listen to music a lot.. especially when walking around or driving. Just having those sounds in my ear and being around a lot of creative people inspire me always.

When creative music what comes first lyrics, or music? I wish I had pattern to tell you... but it’s always different. Whatever comes first, whatever I’m feeling.. it’s always different.

When you write lyrics, are you writing them for yourself, or for a certain audience? I am usually just writing how I feel...a conversation I would have with my best friend.

Besides coming out with your latest single “Temporary Feeling”, what other fun exciting things are you up to next?! I am playing a few shows, making videos, designing anew merch line, releasing acoustic versions of some of the songs on the EP, and working on the next record! woo ! party!

Last question, we’re all about discovering new music! Who should we be listening to right now? Maggie Rogers, ELLIANA, George Barney Roberts, LANY, Dawes, bulow, MUNA, Jack Gray

Words by Melody

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